Meet the Animals!
Come ride with us, enjoy the animals from the ground, or go for a long a hike in the woods!

Don't tell the others, but Lewis is everyone's favorite. Lewis is sweet and gentle, and is a wonderful ride for riders of any level. On the ground, he likes to give you a nudge with his head to ask for a treat.
Age: 19 y/o
Status: Active

Ritz is one of the newer members of the heard. He's big and strong but very sweet and gentle. He's a great ride for riders of any level.
Age: 17 y/o
Status: Active

Jesse is the largest horse of the group. He's very sweet and gentle and loves treats. When the treats come out, you will be amazed at how far he can stretch his neck to get to them. Jesse is a great ride for riders of any level.
Age: 15 y/o
Status: Active

Carolina is our covergirl. She's the pretty face that you see in the background of this site. She is very sweet and gentle but has a little spunk to her. She is best suited for confident beginner or intermediate riders.
Age: 18 y/o
Status: Active

Molly is the second of our two mares. Like Carolina, she is very sweet and gentle but also has a little spunk to her. She is best suited for intermediate level riders
Age: 10
Status: Active

Kass is the newest member of our heard. He came to use as a green broke colt in 2021 and has grown into o lovely young gelding.
Age: 4 y/o
Status: Active

Chief is the longest tenured member of our heard. He is indeed the Chief of the heard. Chief is easily distinguished from the others because he only has one eye! Chief joins us on rides from time to time but is mostly retired.
Age: 25 y/o
Status: Semi-retired

While Chief is the official head of the heard, Star is the de facto boss. The second oldest member of our heard, Star calls the shots. Star is now retired due to lameness issues, but he still loves treats!
Age: 19 y/o
Status: Retired

"My brother dewy is an ass"
Mr. Bigs likes to join his brother Dewy and the full sized horses on trail rides.
Mr. Bigs
Miniature Pony
Age: 10 y/o
Status: Vertically challenged

Dewy is entertaining and annoying at the same time. Sometimes he's cute and innocent, other times he's sneaking under fence and nipping at the horses. He likes to come with us on trail rides.
Miniature Donkey
Age: 12 y/o
Status: Single and ready to mingle

Ru, Alfie, and Wilbur are the Stillwater resident goats. They are always doing the exact thing they're not supposed to be. Nonetheless, they're always good for a laugh. They're all big fans of peanuts.
Ru, Alfie, Wilbur
Age: Various
Status: Nuisances

Whoopie is the newest non-equine member of our farm and she is by far the most entertaining. She's part horse, part goat, part dog, and part human. She likes attention, to eat and roll in poop. She doesn't like baths.
Miniature Pig
Age: >1 y/o
Status: Enertainer

The chicks are the only members of the farm that actually provided sustenance for us. The ducks lay eggs too, but they prefer to hide them.
Chickens and Ducks
Age: Various
Status: Providers

Stillwater Farm is located on privately owned property. Visits are by reservation only. Unsolicited visitors will be charged with trespassing.